The Benefit of Karate for Other Sports

The Benefit of Karate for Other Sports

The mental discipline, the endurance, the balance and flexibility, and the strength gained from karate training have incredible carryover to performance in other sports. Endurance is important when practicing karate. In practice and in self-defense situations, having the endurance to execute techniques is vital to safety. Martial arts emphasizes endurance with cross-training and technique drills. […]

Raising Happy Kids

Raising Happy Kids

Childhood is a special time in one’s life. A time of discovery, play, wonder, and amusement at the world as the child gets the know the world around them. For parents, this time can bring about a sense of worry, as they seek to ensure the child’s health and raise them to be happier. Life […]

The Social Aspects of Martial Arts for Kids

The Social Aspects of Martial Arts for Kids

The benefits of martial arts for kids include physical, mental, and character lessons that will serve them well at every stage of life. One benefit that is sometimes overlooked is the social aspect of martial arts. Social interaction might not be the first thing you imagine when you think about the martial arts. Hollywood movies […]

What’s the Best Age for Kids to Start Martial Arts Training?

What’s the Best Age for Kids to Start Martial Arts Training?

Studying the martial arts is a great way to provide kids with the physical activity and social opportunities they need to be healthy. For a lot of parents, the biggest question to answer about martial arts classes for kids is this: When should my child start online martial arts training? It’s an important question to […]

Karate or Taekwondo?

Karate or Taekwondo?

When you have decided to start Martial art classes and you have narrowed your choices down to Taekwondo or Karate, you may be asking yourself, how is Taekwondo different then Karate? Which is better to learn? Both Taekwondo and Karate are practical in situations against an untrained attacker, but techniques used in Karate can be […]

How Karate Can Help Your Kids in School

How Karate Can Help Your Kids in School

Most people know that karate requires a lot of discipline. But how does that translate into doing better at school? You might be surprised at how little time it takes to see a difference in your child’s behavior in school. Most parents notice improvements in their children’s behavior within the first month of starting karate. […]

Indomitable Spirit and Your Child

Indomitable Spirit and Your Child

In the martial arts, karate kids learn more than the physical skills associated with Karate. Each one of the martial arts has core tenets that students must learn and apply both to their martial arts training and to life. The most important of these — because it relates to all the others — is something […]

Discipline, Children and Martial Arts Training

Discipline, Children and Martial Arts Training

Martial arts classes can do a lot for your child. Children who study the martial arts learn key skills that will help them throughout their lives. One of the most important things they learn is discipline. Discipline is a skill that can help kids face challenges that arise at any stage of life. Martial arts […]

How to Deal with School Bullying

How to Deal with School Bullying

School bullying is big trouble and not just a high school problem. Bullying has become a part of primary school or early year groups. Parents can learn how to spot, deal with and protect children from bullies at different levels of academics. Bullying can be a nightmare for children. Bullies can ruin their recess; the […]

How Martial Arts Classes Can Help Your Child Form the Fitness Habit

How Martial Arts Classes Can Help Your Child Form the Fitness Habit

Martial arts classes are a popular activity for children because they provide a healthy outlet for kids’ energy as well as an opportunity to socialize. What some parents may not realize is that one of the biggest benefits of martial arts for kids is that it helps them form the fitness habit from an early […]

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Talk About Strangers Do your kids understand what constitutes a stranger? What would they do if someone they didn’t know approached them? Sometimes parents avoid having this talk with small children because they don’t want to teach their kids that sometimes bad things can happen to good people. You can, however, strike a balance between […]

The Five Tenets of Martial Arts and Your Child

The Five Tenets of Martial Arts and Your Child

You may already know that studying the martial arts is a positive way for children to learn key physical, emotional, and social skills. What you may not know is that the learning environment in martial arts training is defined by the five tenets. The five tenets are core principles that define the essence of martial […]

Martial Arts and Self Control for Young Children

Martial Arts and Self Control for Young Children

Enrolling your child in a martial arts class can help them in a variety of ways. Children in our classes get the physical activity they need. There are mental and emotional benefits as well since martial art instruction fosters a healthy mind-body connection. One of the biggest benefits of martial arts classes for children is […]

Helping Your Child Develop Positive Self-Esteem

Helping Your Child Develop Positive Self-Esteem

Children with high self-esteem feel valued and accepted and have a positive perspective on themselves and everyday challenges. As karate instructors, it is our privilege to help your child develop positive self-esteem and confidence. In every class we teach, we provide opportunities for your child to grow in their ability and confidence to master new […]

7 Most Important Social Skills for Kids

7 Most Important Social Skills for Kids

Good social skills allow kids to enjoy better peer relationships. But the benefits of robust social skills reach far beyond social acceptance. Social skills are a set of skills that need ongoing refinement as your kids get older. They aren’t something your child either has or doesn’t have. These are skills that can be learned […]

Karate Can be a Lifetime Skill

Karate Can be a Lifetime Skill

Today, there are about twenty-three million people practicing karate around the world. So, what’s in it for kids? Overall, karate teaches children the mastery of the core principles needed to succeed later in life which are – Courtesy and respect Karate kids are trained to show respect by giving the sensei a respectful “Yes, Sensei!” […]

Six Tips for Raising Good-Hearted Humans

Six Tips for Raising Good-Hearted Humans

Teaching kindness to kids isn’t that hard. Here’s how — and why — to do it. More than having a child who runs the fastest or who brings home the best grades, most parents will tell you they want their child to be kind. But why is kindness — surely one of the buzziest words […]

Teaching Kids to be Safe

Teaching Kids to be Safe

You can teach children to be safe without scaring them. Skills and knowledge are the keys to keeping kids safe. The good news is that there are simple and effective ways of teaching children how to protect themselves that will work most of the time. Children need to have clear safety rules both for strangers […]

10 Types of Martial Arts Compared

10 Types of Martial Arts Compared

Whether you’re considering signing your child up for a martial arts class or you want to study the martial arts for self-defense, it can be confusing to choose between the various martial arts styles. While some disciplines are more popular than others, it’s possible to find Chinese martial arts, Japanese martial arts, Korean martial arts, […]

Teaching A Child Respect

Teaching A Child Respect

Respect has many forms This includes self-respect, respecting others, respect for authority and many other examples. Teaching a child respect isn’t an easy concept to explain to children. This is because there are so many different personal interpretations of respect. One of the best ways to describe respect to your child is explain, “Respect is […]

Summer Safety

Summer Safety

While we know the importance of having our kids play outside in the summer, it can also cause a bit of anxiety. Instead of fretting, we can be proactive and educate our children about stranger safety and give them the tools to cope. Here are some tips and advice on how to teach our children […]

Japanese Karate Words & Terms

Japanese Karate Words & Terms

1. Sensei (先生) Sensei is an honorary term that can be loosely translated as “teacher”. In Japanese, it literally means “a person born before another” or “one who comes before”. The word sensei is used not only used to refer to a Karate teacher but can also be used to demonstrate respect towards someone who […]

Can Studying Karate Lead to Healthier Habits for Kids?

Can Studying Karate Lead to Healthier Habits for Kids?

Martial arts training is an effective way for kids to get in shape and lead a healthy lifestyle. While that might not surprise you, it may surprise you to learn that martial arts practice can lead to healthier habits in almost every area of life. Martial arts disciplines such as Karate provide kids with an […]

EDUCATIONHow to Avoid Being Bullied

EDUCATIONHow to Avoid Being Bullied

School can be a challenging time for kids. If you are being bullied, that only makes things worse. You can decrease your likelihood of becoming a bully victim by being confident and sticking with friends. If someone is bullying you, ignore them or calmly ask them to stop. If needed, seek help from a trusted […]

Can Karate Help Your Child’s Memory?

Can Karate Help Your Child’s Memory?

Learning karate is an effective way to improve your child’s physical and mental health. In our online martial arts classes at Great Start Karate, students exercise their bodies and minds. While it probably won’t come as a surprise that martial arts practice can improve a child’s physical fitness, it may surprise you to learn that […]

Teaching Kids Goal Setting

Teaching Kids Goal Setting

We all know how good it feels to set our sights on a goal and then achieve it. It’s empowering and invigorating – and it’s not just a matter of chance. Goal-setting is an important life skill we teach in the martial arts. The good news is that studying the martial arts can help your […]

Tips to Raising a Confident Public Speaker

Tips to Raising a Confident Public Speaker

Leaning back on the wall, avoiding eye contact, not speaking loudly and clearly – this a common behavior that children exhibit while presenting or speaking in public. This could be due to fear or lack of confidence. But you can fix this and help your child become naturally confident while speaking to a group. Public […]

Teaching Kids Courage

Teaching Kids Courage

Sometimes kids need gentle nudges to step out of their comfort zone and discover their inner strength. Our job as teachers and parents is to help kids find their 20 seconds of safe courage, so they can do the right thing when their conscience or heart urges them to step in and help. Why is […]

LIFE SKILLSLife Skills Are the Foundation

LIFE SKILLSLife Skills Are the Foundation

In every karate class, instructors instill invaluable life skills, such as focus, respect, and self-discipline. In total, we focus on eight life skills. As kids learn cool karate moves and safety skills, the instructors have the unique opportunity to thread these life skills into the classes in the disguised form of drills, games, exercises, challenges, […]

Can a Child Really Learn Karate over Zoom?

Can a Child Really Learn Karate over Zoom?

By Jan Stockton, Founder Great Start Karate When the pandemic hit, it completely changed the way kids learned in school. Kids began taking classes from their teachers over Zoom. Many kids took music and singing lessons online. I’m surprised then, that I still get the question, “Can my child really learn karate over Zoom?” Well, […]

Best Pre-Workout Snacks for Kids

Best Pre-Workout Snacks for Kids

When your child attends their martial arts class, you know they’re going to get a good workout and burn off some energy. Kids who are young athletes — and that’s a descriptor that applies to kids who study the martial arts — need the right fuel for their bodies before and after a workout. A […]

Martial Arts and Goal Setting

Martial Arts and Goal Setting

Goal-setting is an essential life skill, one that we all need to learn–and the sooner we learn it, the better off we’ll be. While participating in any sport or physical activity can help, when it comes to goal setting martial arts training is powerful because the techniques to set goals and work toward them is […]

Why Karate is Great for Kids

Why Karate is Great for Kids

The loss of fun for kids in team sports is often a result of lack of playing time when the child is not considered one of the team’s top competitors, or it’s pressure from their coaches. None of these reasons for sports burnout and lack of fun seem to apply to karate. Around 70 percent […]

Teachers Change Lives for the Better

Teachers Change Lives for the Better

Teachers play a major role in motivating students and helping build their self-esteem, especially during their most impressionable years. They provide children with a support system and encourage them to set and work toward goals. By inspiring them to dream bigger, teachers show students that they have the capacity to change their lives by their […]



How Does Karate Help Kids With ADHD? In addition to giving kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, all of the physical benefits of exercise, including improved cardiovascular health and better strength and flexibility, karate might also lessen ADHD symptoms, such as impulsiveness and hyperactivity. It can also provide positive role models for children […]

A Conversation with Our Kids

A Conversation with Our Kids

This was written by Jillian Benfield, a writer and blogger who is advocating for her son, Anderson, who has Down syndrome. She is asking parents to have a conversion with their kids. “As the school year begins, I’m asking you to have a conversation with your child about being the one. Have a conversation about […]

EDUCATIONThe Positive Effects of Martial Arts for a Child in School

EDUCATIONThe Positive Effects of Martial Arts for a Child in School

Grade school is a time when a child not only learns academically, but one where a child learns to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences may be, martial arts classes can have a positive impact […]

Belt Progression System

Belt Progression System

Students love testing for new belts and stripes. Here’s how the Great Start Karate Belt Progression system works. During the last week of every month, students test for a Life Skill merit stripe. These stripes are to be placed on either end of their belt. Students can earn all 12 stripes including, Respect, Focus, Leadership, […]

SAFETY5 Safety Skills Karate Kids Learn

SAFETY5 Safety Skills Karate Kids Learn

Navigating the scary world of “stranger danger” can be a hard topic for parents and kids alike. All we want as parents is to keep our children safe, but the world we live in can make that very difficult. The earlier we start by talking to your kids about strangers and body safety, the better […]

Do Martial Arts Classes Provide a Full-Body Workout?

Do Martial Arts Classes Provide a Full-Body Workout?

It’s common for parents to enroll their kids in a martial arts class because they want their children to be physically active. If you want a full body workout, martial arts training is one of the best ways to get it. To be fit and healthy, every major muscle group must get worked regularly. The […]

Martial Arts and Conflict Resolution for Kids

Martial Arts and Conflict Resolution for Kids

Teaching kids how to move through life is an important goal for any adult who works with children. That includes parents, teachers, and coaches. One of the trickiest things to teach is conflict resolution. Kids of every age, from toddlers to teenagers, may struggle to develop conflict resolution skills, which go hand in hand with […]

12 Tips to Teach Your Child Perseverance

12 Tips to Teach Your Child Perseverance

One of the best gifts we can give our kids when it comes to learning is the life skill to persevere. An important ingredient of being resilient is being able to persevere. As with most things, it’s not over night. Teaching your child perseverance is an on-going process, but it will aid them in school […]

Building Your Child’s Confidence

Building Your Child’s Confidence

Self Confidence plays a huge role in a child’s success at school and socially. Real confidence-building is one of the most important skills you can give your child. Children who are self-confident learn more, achieve more, have more friends and are generally happier than those with low levels of confidence. They feel good about themselves; […]

Teaching Kids to be Honorable

Teaching Kids to be Honorable

By taking advantage of opportunities at home, children can learn the importance of showing sincere appreciation and honor to others. Ask your family members who they really admire and why, focusing on the character qualities or skills this person has. Next, invite this special person (grandparent, aunt, etc.) over to dinner. Honor your guest, sharing […]

HEALTH & WELLNESSWhat Should You Eat After a Martial Arts Workout?

HEALTH & WELLNESSWhat Should You Eat After a Martial Arts Workout?

There’s an undeniable link between fitness and nutrition. Any time you exercise, your body needs the proper nutrients to recuperate and repair your muscles. That’s just as true of martial arts training as it is of any other kind of exercise. Eating healthy is essential if you want to get in shape, lose weight, or […]

5 Pillars of Martial Arts for Kids

5 Pillars of Martial Arts for Kids

Kids love taking martial arts classes because they learn how to do fun things like punching, kicking, and jumping. What we love (and what parents love, too) is that martial arts practice is also a terrific way to teach kids so many other skills without making it feel like a lesson. What’s the Connection Between […]

The Benefits of Martial Arts

The Benefits of Martial Arts

Martial Arts Training Develops Focus Focus is a necessary skill in any workplace. A focused employee is likely to be more productive than someone who has difficulty staying on task. Martial arts training teaches focus because it builds a strong body-mind connection. Many of the skills you will learn from your instructor require focus because […]

The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun

The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun

Play is one of the most important aspects of a child’s life. Through play and games, children learn to think creatively and interact socially. Our “games” at Great Start Karate are all designed to help your child learn. When a child is having fun, they are at their peak mental state to develop physically, socially, […]

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